
Showing posts from 2020

There comes a time!

 There comes a time when your heart is so heavy, filled with so much of feelings which you have suppressed inside it for so long. There comes a time when you're done setting aside your own happiness, done listening to your own excuses, done reminiscing, wishing, waiting. You feel so lost that you have no option other than to let it flow the way it is. At this point of time, just close your eyes and feel the pain that your heart is holding for so long. And then, Calmly and slowly fill your heart with little and little happiness. Because there is no fixed time to be happy. The perfect time to be happy is 'Now'. And all I'm interested in Now is Love, Laughter, My personal health, growth and Becoming an all Around Radiant Soul🌟 Dear Purest Soul,  Please believe in perfect timing of your life. It happens usually that when we want things to be perfect, it ends being imperfect. Please believe that there is time for you to be all that you want to be. There is time for you to f

Be the OnE! 🌼

 Have you ever thought of living your lives?  Yes, read that again!  We are not actually living our lives. We are just engaged in creating our lives for the old us. Let's live in the present moment na!  Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you'll never get the same moment again!❤ Love every moment of You. Spread out the love in You. Be the one who always loves whole-heartedly. Be the one who knows that the intense love you gave will eventually find it's way back again. Be the one who always gives the best of you to every person that you love. And most of all, Be the one who Forgives. Not just others, but yourself. The one who never hates yourself, who never regrets loving others.  This world needs more people like you. The intensity of your love is not a sign of weakness, it's a symbol of strength. Be the one who's brave enough to put your heart into this world, who's brave enough to believe in the goodness of others.  At the end of


 I am Enough ! I am Enough for myself. Yes, I am worthy of all the Love and Happiness in this world. Why should I feel unworthy of all the things that I deserve for myself? I can make myself happy and pamper me with love. It's just thoughts and beliefs which make make you think that you need people around you who can give you contentment and pleasure. Yes, we do need sometimes but not everytime at every point of our life. If this is the rule, what is self love called then? There is some point in our life where we only need ourselves, where we need self-love and self-belief to deal with it. The day you find yourself,you will realize that lovers are not meant to take you on a journey but walk alongside you, they are not meant to fulfil you but appreciate how complete you are in yourself. Lovers are not meant to break your heart each day and they are not meant to make you feel unworthy and unloved. 🌺 The day you find yourself, you will realize how incredibly magnificent you're -

Develop your Personal Vision!

We all have got a good life and a good health! We have got everything that we need. Yaa obviously, desire is some other thing here, but  atleast we should count basic needs as our blessings🌺 Your life is your life. Actually, you make your life how you want to. It totally and absolutely depends on you how you want your life to be. You want your life to be happiest controlled by you or miserable controlled by others.  Develop your own personal vision here means run the life how you want to. Your personal vision what you want to be, how you want to feel, what you want to do and achieve and many more. You can be what you want to, you can create yourself how you want to. It's just you and you and not the world what it wants to. See, many times we lose control over mind and start going with the flow. We talk about motivation and demotivation, it's all about your mind whi controls all this. If you want you can stay motivated all the time. Why do we need motivation? Because our mind g

Blessed Are WE !🌺

Hello people,  I would like to share my short experience which you will find so common but deep down to feel if you think about it.  Yesterday, I was on a walk with my mumma. (I love spending time with her) We were walking down the roads and relishing the feels of the cold air which swayed us. The surrounding environment was blossomed by greenery which attracted us. Obviously, who won't be attracted by such amazing and beautiful greenery! In that environment, we saw people in different distances settling down there. They had nothing, seriously nothing, just a bag which was hand made with one or two clothes in it and a vessel to cook. Cooking was to be done on a little bundle of sticks. I asked my mumma, " Mumma, what they would be eating, and what about vegetables as they had nothing to store." The reply what mumma gave was so deep amd emotional, left me with no answer rather than what everyone's destiny is!  She replied, " See, how is their life. How they are sp

A Step Above! ❤

Life is wondrous❤. Filled with contentment and desolation, success and failure and much more.  Life is a step forward and a step backward through ups and downs in life. These ups and downs actually define your Life. And the most important how you overcome and deal with this is How You Define Your Life.  It's often said, "Experience is the best Teacher." Have you ever went deep thinking about this statement ? What we actually do is just listen and let it go. But as and when life hits you and tries to teach you it's worth, that is the moment we complain and consider ourselves a miserable person. Why you ask questions to your life about 'Why are you doing this to me', 'Why only me?'. It's not life's fault. It's yours..  Ask yourself a question why I failed, what I did that today life is forced to hit me! Go deep, think about it!  May be it will take a lot of time to get your questions answered. But one day you will know it and your worth. Trus

Suffer, suffer suffering!

Hello people,  What is suffering? Why do we suffer?  Such questions continuously hammer our mind. Isn't it!? We are tired of such web of questions and we think and think and think and stuck in that web. Thought control us. No way to get out of it. What can I do now? Why am I feeling so lonely ? Why this am I suffering a lot? Oh my God, what is this!!!!!!!  This is how we feel exactly!  What is suffering actually? Suffering is just a reply to your thoughts and actions. How you think, how you act in different situations is totally controlled by our unconscious mind. You know, mind plays major role for our mental and emotional health. Because mind is only responsible for your depression, anxiety, suffering and a lot. If some little incident happens to us, our mind continuously thinks about it and go deep and deep and game over. We end with a conclusion of Negative thoughts and down feels.  See, how mind controls you and your life.  The question here is,  How to control our thoughts an

What's gone is gone!

What's gone is gone Yes,  it's gone.  Calm yourself  And move on!  There are many times in our life, where we regret about our past time whatever it may be related to future success or else personal life. Yaa, I totally do understand and feel how regret harm our inner- self. Obviously, experiences do teach us. Due to this feeling of regression,  we distress ourselves a lot and it causes a change in our behavior. Not only this, but for a moment we totally adapt ourselves to another zone and hate ourselves like anything. What will this regret bring you?  What will you get by harming yourself?  Yaa, regret is obviously necessary in life if we think ki we should enjoy life, we will be successful anyhow and all. For those who don't take life as an opportunity, for them I must say regression is required. Because if such thinking continues, you will waste your whole life man. Why are you in yhis world?  What are your dreams? Do you want to fly higher or just sit back and watch peo

Commitment To Your Growth!

Hello people,  Yes, you read correct. It's commitment to your growth means your dedication towards your inner-self growth. There would be lot of questions raising in your mind, what dedication and what commitments, etc etc. Shhhh, deep breathe. Let me explain you.  Commitment to growth is to your heartly dedication to success. You rely on your dedication throughout your whole journey towards success. Rely on dedication is if you have a strong dedication and a strong mindset nothing can stop you from achieving.  Commitment is a self-development quality which when fixed in life, takes you up higher and higher. This commitment makes so many changes in life that we are ready to absorb in our life. Even the changes which we aren't able to make in ourselves. It makes us follow habits that make us little closer to our success. We start doing things which keeps us happy and obviously, if we are happy things go good.  Here is the main point to be focused on.  Commitment builds YOU . Com


Hello people,  Knowing yourself is nothing but self-understanding or we can say understanding yourself. Self understanding in simple words is how much do you know yourself, how do you treat yourself, how you can keep your inner self truly happy. Self understanding is a kind of 'loving yourself'.  How much do you love yourself? How do you take care of yourself? I very well know the answer of these questions. Hum pehle dusro ka toh khayal rakhle baad mein dekhenge khudo, isn't it? If such things continue to happen in your life, it clearly shows that you are not living for yourself. Understand yourself dear friends. What makes you the happiest person and what not. Pamper yourself. Live for yourself. Do what things makes you happy. Keeping aside your phones, Just for a moment forget everyone and spend time with yourself. Live with yourself, and when you will find yourself, You will start loving 'YOU'. That will be the moment when you will know your real worth.  We often

My Friend, You Are Not Alone!

Life hits you with many difficult phases in your life when you literally don't understand what decision to take and which path to choose for your betterment. The phase in life of loneliness, depression and anxiety are very strenous that you start moving on towards your past. Isn't it? You get tired of trying to get off that phase which hits you very hard but life has many ways to pull us towards it. It seems like we are caged. We need 'APNE' to be beside us. You go on searching videos on improving mental and emotional health which has its effect only for limited time.  Stop crying my friend, you are not alone. I can feel you from within. Stop finding answers to you question "why is it happening with me? Why life is so difficult? " I know many questions will create a web of confusing questions that you even don't get  answer for even one.   I have a answer to your question it is that This phase is for your change friend. It came in your life for growing you


Yes, we are the humans, we are the people of this world. Everyone here in this beautiful place is different and unique with brillance, idiosyncrasy, skills and what not. Humans are not just humans, we are a version of how we upgrade and update ourselves. Upgrading yourself throughout your lives is a must thing. Yes, we do feel, we do expect, we do get hurt. Yes, we do love someone, we do hate someone.  This feels in life sometimes make you feel the happiest person in the world or the person who thinks that only the one is the person surviving!  But no my dearest friends, Life is all about this.  Take a bit moment and think once, ' What if these phases and feels didn't come in your life'?  'What if your life would be smooth and neutral like no happiness, no saddness? ' 'What if you would be living in such a life? ' Phir to zindagi ka kuch maza hi nhi hai. Jaise aaye the vaise hi jaana hai, isn't it?  Come on people, it's Normal. These ups and downs ma