There comes a time!

 There comes a time when your heart is so heavy, filled with so much of feelings which you have suppressed inside it for so long. There comes a time when you're done setting aside your own happiness, done listening to your own excuses, done reminiscing, wishing, waiting. You feel so lost that you have no option other than to let it flow the way it is. At this point of time, just close your eyes and feel the pain that your heart is holding for so long. And then, Calmly and slowly fill your heart with little and little happiness. Because there is no fixed time to be happy. The perfect time to be happy is 'Now'. And all I'm interested in Now is Love, Laughter, My personal health, growth and Becoming an all Around Radiant Soul🌟

Dear Purest Soul, 

Please believe in perfect timing of your life. It happens usually that when we want things to be perfect, it ends being imperfect. Please believe that there is time for you to be all that you want to be. There is time for you to fall in love with someone who will love you like you know you deserve to be loved. There is time to find deep connection and genuine friendship. There is time to find whole healing and live a life that feels free. There is time to figure out what you have to do with your life even if it seems like you never will. Things do sort by time. There is a well known saying ,"वक्त को थोडा वक्त दो, सब ठीक हो जाएगा। "

You don't have to be motivated all the time. It will be all okay. Don't doubt on yourself. You're brave and successful even if the progress is slow. Life feels like rush, but there is no rush. At the end of the day, we are doing the best we can and that is always More Than Enough! You need to just Trust yourself.

Good things will come. You're not any less than anyone who seems further along. You're not too far behind. You're not doing too litte. You belong where you are. Our souls are not in a rush, The World is. Give your heart the permission to guide you and breathe through chatter in your mind. Good things are coming. Be sure for yourself always. Make sure you are okay before you make sure others are okay! You deserve to always put yourself first and you never have to apologize for anything that means you're putting yourself first. Because you deserve the first place my purest soul. 

Thankyou! for being the person who makes people feel okay when they are not okay. The World truly is better because you're a part of it. YOU ARE COMPLETELY ENOUGH! Your love is so appreciated and love is never wasted. You will become what you want to and what you need to be. So please, keep going. And please, be kind to your precious heart, mind and body. You have come so far and you will go so far. One breathe at a time! 


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