Blessed Are WE !๐ŸŒบ

Hello people, 
I would like to share my short experience which you will find so common but deep down to feel if you think about it. 

Yesterday, I was on a walk with my mumma. (I love spending time with her) We were walking down the roads and relishing the feels of the cold air which swayed us. The surrounding environment was blossomed by greenery which attracted us. Obviously, who won't be attracted by such amazing and beautiful greenery!

In that environment, we saw people in different distances settling down there. They had nothing, seriously nothing, just a bag which was hand made with one or two clothes in it and a vessel to cook. Cooking was to be done on a little bundle of sticks. I asked my mumma, " Mumma, what they would be eating, and what about vegetables as they had nothing to store."

The reply what mumma gave was so deep amd emotional, left me with no answer rather than what everyone's destiny is! 
She replied, " See, how is their life. How they are spending their life with no desires and no hope. This is their reality. They just wish to get one time meal that's it nothing else. If they get this, they are happy the whole day. "

No shelter to live, no desires to fulfill! 
That's it!! 
This was a view. This was a reality .

This left my heart filled with pity for them. 

The reason behind sharing my experience with you people was, those who think and cry for their desires to be fulfilled,  oh come on man think before where you are. 
Atleast you have shelter to live, food to eat and clothes to wear. Be happy man! 
They had nothing. You get your meal everyday, they wish to get it. See the difference. 
You have money for your education, they had nothing. You have mobile phones, they don't even had saw the phone. 
What you have, they don't have!

So, Thank to God for giving you the life you are living !


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