I Hope! 🌼

 I hope you never stop believing in love but I hope you can always be content on your own. I hope you don't settle just because the clock is ticking and I hope you don't stay too long with someone who doesn't value or respect you. I hope you can walk away when you see a pattern that's not going to change and I hope you can walk away from someone who brings out the worst in you because love is supposed to bring out the best in you. 

I hope you never stop investing in yourself no matter who you're with or how much you're loved or how much you've accomplished. I hope you don't suppress your needs or desires because you're afraid of how people will perceive you or how they will judge you. I hope you can always be enough for yourself  without needing that validation from others, without waiting for a pat on the back because sometimes you have to start with yourself. You have to be your own motivation before others can motivate you. Sometimes you won't find the support you're looking for in others but you can always find it within you. 
I hope you always protect yourself from those trying to underestimate whatever it is that you do. Protect yourself from those who never walked away in your shoes yet feel like they have the right to tell you what you should and shouldn't do. Invest in yourself because it's worth all the time, money and effort in the world. Invest in yourself because it may as well be the only commitment that's guaranteed and the return on investment is always regarding. 
Live a happy life! 
Good luck! ❤

#maheknankani #selfdevelopment #happylife #beyou #beyourself #hope #mentalhealth 


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