
Showing posts from 2021

Remind yourself!

Remind yourself that you're not invincible. Your heart needs rest. You need rest. Remind yourself that you do not need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, that you may not be able to save everyone, that you may not be able to heal every hurt. Remind yourself that you deserve to take all of the energy you put out into the world and invest it back into yourself from time to time. That you're worthy of the love you keep giving to everyone else. Remind yourself that you don't always have to be strong, that you don't always have to be fixer. Remind yourself that you can be the human, that you can ask for help, that you don't always have to be the one to save yourself.  I am fighting my war just like you fighting yours. Your tragedy and the things that make you upset are neither pretty nor silly. Yes, some people have it worse but we have different levels of pain, tolerance and your sadness is valid. You're not whining when you ache about them. You'

You're not falling! 🌼

I hope you know you're doing better than you think you are. Even if you don't see it,  you are doing better than you give credit yourself for. Even if you have no idea what's going on or where you are supposed to be, you are doing better than you think you are. Even if you don't feel it, peace surrounds you.  You are not falling if you are trying your best. You are not falling if the results you want aren't showing right now. Even if decisions you make now affect you later negatively, in the end it will be okay anyway. Choose your truth over fear. Choose to step out on your own, knowing that whatever you need support, someone will be there. Choose to choose yourself over anyone else.  What is best for you will find you. What is meant to be will come to be. Life is a rhythm of highs and lows and in-betweens, but it is all a part of your story. It all matters. Because even if something isn't mean to happen, redemption and healing can always happen. Mistakes can al

I Hope! 🌼

 I hope you never stop believing in love but I hope you can always be content on your own. I hope you don't settle just because the clock is ticking and I hope you don't stay too long with someone who doesn't value or respect you. I hope you can walk away when you see a pattern that's not going to change and I hope you can walk away from someone who brings out the worst in you because love is supposed to bring out the best in you.  I hope you never stop investing in yourself no matter who you're with or how much you're loved or how much you've accomplished. I hope you don't suppress your needs or desires because you're afraid of how people will perceive you or how they will judge you. I hope you can always be enough for yourself  without needing that validation from others, without waiting for a pat on the back because sometimes you have to start with yourself. You have to be your own motivation before others can motivate you. Sometimes you won't

When you're there...! 🌼

 When YOU are the person who is always there for others- you feel a lot. You have depths within you, an ocean for a heart. You give and you give and you give. You never know how to stop yourselves from pouring into those you love. There are moments where you're left wondering if someone will ever give you the love that you so freely give to others, moments where you wonder if there will ever come a time when someone asks how you are doing, how you are coping, how you are healing.  See, sometimes you are the person who is there for everyone else, needs some there for them. Sometimes the person who smiles the biggest, holds the biggest hurt. Sometimes the person who encourages everyone around them, needs to be told that they are appreciated, that they matter, sometimes they need to be encouraged, sometimes they need to be held- no matter how strong they seem, no matter how brightly they shine. So, if you're the who is always there for , know that your heart is rare. Know that you

Be Soft!

"Be soft Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate.  Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place". Being soft does not mean being weak. Softness comes with being strong. And you're only strong because you have been through a lot, you have learnt a lot. Now you're strong, you're soft too. You know and understand how things can be and how to deal with them.  Sometimes the changes we don't want, are the changes we need to grow.  Everyone wants happiness, No one wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow, Without a little rain." Every experience whether good or bad is very important to come in your life. Because after that, you get to know the real you. How strong or weak are you, how positive or negative are you. Learn from this phases of life and move on with expectations but a smile on your face.  Remember,  Life is

You've got to..! 🌸

 You have got to work on yourself day by day.  You've got to remember that your entire life is a work in progress. The life which you'll be creating, the life which you dreamt of and the life which you want to live to the fullest. That you're going to have bad days but also good ones to balance everything out. You will go through a lot of bad things in your life where people will treat you bad, your friends will betray you. You will be low, you will be depressed and overthinking. You will be Broken. People will break your heart. But you need to pick yourself up on the bad days. If you want to transform you need to work on your bad days because good days are very easy to work and you can only be better when you work on you shitty days and bounce back stronger.  You've got to know that sometimes you're going to get your heart broken, while other times, you're the one who's going to cause the hurting. You've got to accept that nothing ever goes as planned a

Letting go..!

 LET IT GO!  Why it is said to let go of the things which aren't bringing you peace? Which aren't letting you to be yourself? Letting go of things is a thought or a state in your phase of growth. When you let things go, you start developing  a better version of yourself, The Real You.  Letting go means accepting that something better is meant for you, it means appreciating your worth and moving on. You are more important for yourself than any person in your life. If that person is making you feel down and undervalued, don't think twice to move on from that person. Be with people who value you, who add value to your life by being with you.  Letting go means having faith in life and the lessons you must learn. Every phase in your life teaches you something that is important for you. Every person in your life teaches you the 'reality of this world.' Letting go means choosing love over heartbreak, choosing happiness over pain and choosing Yourself over Them. Letting go

What's meant for you, will always stay! 🌸

 It may take months or years but what's meant for you will always find it's way to you.  It may take a lot of patience, a lot of overcoming challenges, a lot of moments to despair and a lot of heartbreaks, but what's meant for you will always be worth the wait. It will make the painful years a little easier to swallow. It will make the journey a little sweeter to look back on.  Every challenge, every heartbreak, every setback is meant to get us closer to what's truly meant for us because God doesn't make us suffer for no good reason. God doesn't take away blessings from us unless he knows it's not going to bless us in the future. While we may never know why God does things a certain way or why he chooses to teach us some hard lessons, we have to believe that it's all part of a bigger plan.  It may take a while but what's meant for you will not mistakenly be given to someone else. And I think that's the beauty of faith, knowing that after everythi


 Everyone in life goes through different phases. Some people bounce back stronger and some people remain just weak and weak trying to understand each day about what is happening. At these times of life, sit quietly with a clear mind, no thoughts, no analysing things and nothing. Take a deep breathe and say to yourself -  I will heal. I am strong. I am a person with a good heart and a beautiful soul.  Healing is going to take time. Nothing that is truly beautiful in this world happens overnight. Be patient with yourself and your progress. Be gentle to your heart. Smile. Because you're alone and you're surviving despite that. Smile. Because you miss him/her but you still have so much to look forward to. Smile. Because you're fighting through the loneliness. Smile.Because you're moving forward. And sometimes, that's all anyone can do.Know that healing is not linear. Know that you won't always feel like this. Realize that one day you'll be okay. And one day you&


We people are capricious. It happens with all of us that our mood changes all of the sudden. Even sometimes, we ourselves can't figure out the reason behind it. May be because the day wasn't productive enough or whatever you planned to do, couldn't happen. We analyse things, plan and try to work accordingly. If we succeed to complete it, we are satisfied then. If not, all the negative and toxic things starts hammering your mind, indirectly hammering your peace.  RISE. We all have shit days every now and then. All of us. No matter how perfect we aspire to be and no matter how many things we promised ourselves we would do, sometimes all the things we wanted to achieve just can't happen in one day and that is perfectly okay. That's called being realistic. It's okay. Everything is still fine. This one day teaches you a lot. Learn from it. But if it happens everyday, you really need to work on it.  You have to be a kind of person who can make the best of Tuesday. You

There is still a Hope!

  You will be okay. Even in your darkest days, Hope is not lost. When life puts all its heaviness on your shoulders, gives you all the pain which you can fight with, which you can accept and tolerate, it becomes so easy to forget all the strength you have within you at that time. Life at that moment takes a turn to all the negativity and hopelessness. You lose all the hope and find nothing, but darkness all around you.  It's so hard to hold onto hope, to believe in better days, to trust that faith and fate are on your side when everything is spiraling around you, seemingly so out of your control. Everything becomes so scary, trust me on that, I personally went through it. It's so scary to think that there's a small chance you won't be okay, that you will forever feel like this, that no one is on your side, but even you feel powerless, you know that's not the truth.    In the depth of your heart, in the furthest of your mind you know that there is a sliver of positiv