
Showing posts from February, 2021


 Everyone in life goes through different phases. Some people bounce back stronger and some people remain just weak and weak trying to understand each day about what is happening. At these times of life, sit quietly with a clear mind, no thoughts, no analysing things and nothing. Take a deep breathe and say to yourself -  I will heal. I am strong. I am a person with a good heart and a beautiful soul.  Healing is going to take time. Nothing that is truly beautiful in this world happens overnight. Be patient with yourself and your progress. Be gentle to your heart. Smile. Because you're alone and you're surviving despite that. Smile. Because you miss him/her but you still have so much to look forward to. Smile. Because you're fighting through the loneliness. Smile.Because you're moving forward. And sometimes, that's all anyone can do.Know that healing is not linear. Know that you won't always feel like this. Realize that one day you'll be okay. And one day you&


We people are capricious. It happens with all of us that our mood changes all of the sudden. Even sometimes, we ourselves can't figure out the reason behind it. May be because the day wasn't productive enough or whatever you planned to do, couldn't happen. We analyse things, plan and try to work accordingly. If we succeed to complete it, we are satisfied then. If not, all the negative and toxic things starts hammering your mind, indirectly hammering your peace.  RISE. We all have shit days every now and then. All of us. No matter how perfect we aspire to be and no matter how many things we promised ourselves we would do, sometimes all the things we wanted to achieve just can't happen in one day and that is perfectly okay. That's called being realistic. It's okay. Everything is still fine. This one day teaches you a lot. Learn from it. But if it happens everyday, you really need to work on it.  You have to be a kind of person who can make the best of Tuesday. You